NAP's blog

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Harvesting seeds for the next seasons

The developments we saw in Freiburg during the implementation of the project are just amazing: not possible to imagine Freiburg without Urban Gardens any more. Besides the first, pilot garden projects (in particular "Bambis Beet" in front of the theatre), guerilla gardening activities, raised beds and "official" community plots in public parks and open spaces have popped up all over the city. What is best: through the kick-start support of the coordination group, the active gardeners in different parts of the city got to know each other and now interact on a self-organised basis.

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Vertical gardens in Berlin

Thomas_U in our Freiburg gardening group made me aware of these beautiful examples of vertical gardens in Berlin-Kreuzberg - inspired by Patrick Blanc who also created a big wall of tropical plants in one Dussmann department store in Berlin.

Learn more here - the article is in German, but you may scroll down for the picture gallery:

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Yesterday a small group of us went for an excursion to Basel to join a presentation of the Aquaponics project of Urban Farmers - quite interesting approach to grow fish and tomatoes (and other plants) at the same time, nourishing each other. So it can be considered a valuable extension of the Hydroponics system introduced by Pepy below.

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What are "regional" species?

There are a number of good reasons to grow plant species which are indigenous to the region where the garden is laid, but then: what actually are typical "regional" species? Not easy to define - this is what we also experienced when visiting the "Samengarten" in Eichstetten / Kaiserstuhl on invitation of the foundation "Kaiserstühler Garten".

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Forest garden project

One of the pieces of land which was offered to us by the municipality, seemed to be very attractive: two big areas of previously meadow, located on the fringes of the forest, next to a little pond, and in vicinity to allotment gardens, and a picnic area.
If there had not been these suspicious traces in the ground....

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A new bed for Bambi

The urban garden in front of the theatre was expanded by another landscape of terraced beds. More than 30 enthusiastic urban gardeners spend a weekend to extend the theatre urban garden which was dedicated to the theatre's playful mascot "Bambi".

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From grains to bread

As winter is the season more for theoretical learning and planning, we organised a workshop "from grains to bread" at the urban farm "Kunzenhof" in Freiburg's district Littenweiler. In four hours on the afternoon of Sunday December 16, Gabriele Plappert of Kunzenhof, dedicated farmer and Waldorf teacher, introduced us into the world of the most common foodstuff globally: bread.


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