Therapeutic herbs and plants

Despina Vasiliadou's picture

Angelica archangelica  

angelica archangelica

English: angelica | French: angéline officianale | German: Engelwurz

Therapeutic properties

Digestive, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, stimulant. It regulates menstruation and relieves from its pains.

How to use

We make infusion or decoction from the roots or the seeds. We drink 1 – 2 cups  a day after meals. Its use should be interrupted every 2 weeks.

Cucumis sativus

cucumis sativusEnglish: cucumber | French: concombre | German: Gurke

Therapeutic properties

Diuretic, tranquilizer, hair tonic, astringent. It helps intestine function and it's against renal lithiasis, cholelithiasis, gravel, nephritis, arthritis.

How to use

We eat it. We can use the slices or pulp or porridge for skin and hair care.

Cynara scolymus

cynara scolymusEnglish: artichoke | French: artichaut | German: Artischocke

Therapeutic properties

It reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, it's against arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and liver disease, it's blood purifying.

How to use

We boil the roots with white wine and we drink. For rheumatism and neuralgia treatment we can use the tincture or the extract of artichoke. The decoction from leaves or stalks can be used for gargles against tonsillitis. For liver disease treatment we can drink 3 cups of decoction per day. The extract should be used on a doctor's prescription and the tincture in a dosage of 6-9 gr, 3 times a day.

Agropyron repens

agropyron repensEnglish: common couch | French: chiendent commun | German: kriechende Quecke

Therapeutic properties

The tisane from common couch is a medicine known worldwide as emollient, refreshing, diuretic and inflammatory especially for intermittent fever, gastrointestinal infections, urinary tracts infections, liver and kidney colic.

How to use

We can make alcohol of an excellent quality by fermenting or distilling the roots. Any proportion is harmless. We can drink the extract, the decoction (20-30 gr in 1 litre of water + a little honey), the juice (from 30-100 gr of young leaves and stalks). We can also let 2 spoonfuls of sliced root soak for a while in 1 litre of water, then we boil for 10 mins and drink 1 glass per day.

Adiantum capillus-veneris

adiantum capillus-venerisEnglish: maidenhair | French: capillaire | German: Frauenhaar

Therapeutic properties

Antitussive, expectorant, demulcent in case of dry cough and respiratory infections, it cures dandruff and hair loss.  

How to use

For respiratory infections we can drink the infusion. For dandruff treatment we can massage hair roots with cold decoction every day for 2 weeks.

Althaea officinalis

althaea officinalisEnglish: marsh mallow | French: mauve | German: Malve

Therapeutic properties

Antitussive, emollient, inflammatory. It relieves muscular pains,   effaces bruises, mellows aposthimas, combats gingivitis, mouth ulcers and constipation. It's very effective against stomatitis, pharyngitis, stomach and intestine ulcer.  

How to use

We drink the decoction from leaves and flowers against infections and cough (3 cups a day). We can also add decoction in bath water against skin irritations, we can gargle decoction against gingivitis, mouth ulcers, tooth aposthimas. For a more drastic decoction: we boil 100 gr of root in 10 cups of water, let evaporate to its half and filtrate. We use it against internal infections as well as externally against bruises and muscular pains (we spread it on the skin). We can take a sachet of marsh mallow root powder dissolved in a little water every day against constipation. 

Aloe vera

aloe veraEnglish: aloe | French: aloès | German: Aloe

Therapeutic properties

Aromatic, stimulative, laxative, apetizing and digestive in small dosage, emollient and vulnerary.

How to use

The yellow bitter juice that flows from leaves when we cut them can be dried and used as a laxative. The leaves themselves when cut and peeled off their membrane can be placed on skin burns, insect bites, cuts. They have an antifungal, antibiotic and inflammatory effect. Aloe is extensively used in cosmetics industry.

Anethum graveolens

anethum graveolensEnglish: dill | French: aneth | German: Dill

Therapeutic properties

Diuretic,digestive, against colics, vomit, stomach disorders.

How to use

For decoction we boil 2 tea spoonfuls of dill seeds in 1 litre of water for 10-15 mins. We drink half a cup once or twice a day.

Juniperus communis

juniperus communisEnglish: juniper | French: genevrier commun |German: Wachholder

Therapeutic properties

Against wheeziness, gout, rheumatism. It's a good digestive, tonic.

How to use

Massage with the juice or tincture from fruits relieves from joint pains. Eating the fruits helps with indigestion and burning them helps with respiratory problems. It also decontaminates the air in closed spaces.

Achillea millefolium

achillea millefoliumEnglish: yarrow | French: millefeuille | German: Schafgarbe

Therapeutic properties

Diaphoretic, febrifuge, hemostatic, inflammatory, menstruation regulating, heart stimulative, anti-rheumatism. Against colitis, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes at its start.

How to use

We drink 3 cups of infusion for quite a long period. We can use the infusion in dressings on the skin, massaging the hair, in a steam bath for the skin greasiness decrease. Inhaling infusion vapour helps with respiratory problems.

Valeriana officinalis

valeriana officinalisEnglish: valeriana | French: valeriane | German: Baldrian

Therapeutic properties

Sedative in case of nervous tension, insomnia and stress. Antispasmodic, headache relieving, reduces high blood pressure, calms down hysteria, cough and asthma.

How to use

It must be used for one week only then interrupted for 2-3 weeks. We can use the decoction or the maceration from the roots, we drink 2-3 cups a day. Tincture: 5-10 drops in some water. Small doses of decoction or maceration relieve from headaches, calm the nervous system and  fight insomnia.

Hypericum perforatum

hypericum perforatumEnglish: common  St John's wort | French: millepertuis perfozé | German: Johanniskraut

Therapeutic properties

Known as “the” herb for healing wounds. It is considered to be very effective for neuralgia, depression, thrombosis, rheumatism, diarrhea, it's a good hemostatic, spasm soothing, revitalising.

How to use

The essence works wonders in healing wounds, burns, bruises, bites, skin eruptions. We massage or spread. For all the above problems we can also apply chopped leaves poultice on the skin. The herb infusion in alcohol as well as the distillate  (eau-de-vie-rouge) are widely used. A cup of warm decoction every morning is really beneficial.

Ocymum basilicum

ocymum basilicumEnglish: basil | French: basillic |German: Basilikum

Therapeutic properties

Stimulative, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant, against dizziness and migraine.  

How to use

It can be dried and pulverized. We can drink the infusion, we can use the tincture from fresh leaves: mixed with wine it becomes a good tonic, mixed with oil it is against constipation, a few drops of tincture act against headaches. Basil powder will help sneezing thus curing rhinitis.

Rubus fructicosus

rubus fructicosusEnglish: bramble | French: ronce commune | German: Brombeere

Therapeutic properties

Diuretic, anti - diabetic, anti - diarrheal.

How to use

The infusion or decoction from leaves, boiled with a little honey or vinegar, can be used for gargles against pharyngitis, sore throat, gingivitis, mouth ulcers. It will facilitate birth (1 cup per day from 6th month of pregnancy). The sirup from fruit is an excellent anti - diarrheal (we boil bramble juice with double quantity of sugar until it thickens).


Syzygium aromaticum

syzygium aromaticumEnglish:carnation | French: oeillet | German: Nelke

Therapeutic properties

Carnation oil is a strong antiseptic, it ceases toothache, aborts vomit and  nausea. It's an effective digestive, antispasmodic, anti cancer.

How to use

We use carnation oil or decoction for wounds, insect bites, toothache. For nausea we can drink some water with a few drops of carnation oil. Alcoholic drinks with a few drops of carnation oil become good tonics.

Portulaca orelacea

portulaca orelaceaEnglish: purslane | French: pourpier | German: Portulak

Therapeutic properties

The whole plant is useful except for its roots. It's sedative, diuretic, against biliary stones, colitis and amoebas.

How to use

The juice can be used against biliary stones. Daily consumption of the plant in salads helps curing colitis and amoebas.

Anisum vulgare

anisum vulgareEnglish: anise | French: anis cultivé | German: Anis

Therapeutic properties

Diuretic, apetizing, digestive, expectorant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue.

How to use

The oil extracted from seeds can be used slightly diluted. It's a very effective expectorant and lice and other parasites repellent. We can also use the decoction, infusion, maceration and tincture. We make anise maceration by soaking seeds in water for a few hours, then we can take a tea spoonful 3 times per day.

Rosmarinus officinalis

rosmarinus officinalisEnglish: rosemary | French: romarin | German: Rosmarin

Therapeutic properties

Tonic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, vulnerary, antiseptic, anti rheumatism, headache killer, carminative, helps with indigestion.

How to use

We should be careful with rosemary consumption as in big quantities it might be poisonous. The flowers and leaves are very effective against asthma, flu and pertussis. Poultices and washings are good for the skin. Rosemary in wine is a good heart stimulant, boiled with wine helps people suffering from insomnia. Powder from leaves heals skin wounds, the essence is moth repellent. The decoction can be used for healing gangrene ulcers (we put it on ulcers), rheumatism and swellings (we massage aching parts with it). Rosemary tea prevents fainting. Rosemary flowers clobbered with sugar until they become a paste help with dizziness. Rosemary fresh leaves put on an abscess make it ripen quickly. A piece of cotton wet with rosemary juice and put in the ear will relieve earache. For bruises, wounds, skin eruptions we can use rosemary ointment whereas gargles with infusion will heal mouth ulcers.

Amaracus dictamnus

amaracus dictamusEnglish: dittany | French: dictame | German: Eschenwurzel

Therapeutic properties

Tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, vulnerary, sedative, diuretic, it fights amoebas.

How to use

We can use the decoction or infusion (we drink 2 cups a day). Poultices help heal wounds, ulcers, abscesses. Chewing leaves relieves toothache and headache.

Mentha viridis

mentha viridis French: menthe | German: Minze

Therapeutic properties

Tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, diuretic, diaphoretic, against indigestion, vomit, tachycardia, urinary retention, vertigo.

How to use

Washings or poultices are good for skin diseases, the dressings relieve headache. Spearmint tea prevents vomit, spasms, cramps, colics (1 tea spoonful every so often).

Eucalyptus globulus

eucalyptus globulusEnglish: eucalyptus | French: eucalyptus | German: Eucalyptus

Therapeutic properties

Eucalyptus oil is antiseptic, antispasmodic, febrifuge, disinfectant, deodorant, insect killer, vulnerary. It is used for curing respiratory inflammations, cough, asthma, sorethroat. The leaves have antibiotic properties and can be used for decoction making and steam inhaling.

How to use

5-10 drops of eucalyptus oil for chest massage or in boiling water for steam inhalation. We can also boil eucalyptus leaves and inhale the steam  which helps get rid of colds. A hot bath with boiled leaves added in the water will also relieve from cold symptoms. We can drink decoction or infusion.

Helianthus anuus

helianthus anuusEnglish: sunflower | French: helianthus | German: Sonnenblume

Therapeutic properties

The seeds are nutritional, they calm down the nervous system, prevent bile and kidney stone formation, arthritis. They improve vision. Sunflower oil extracted under cold seed pressure reduces cholesterol and protects from arteriosclerosis.

How to use

We eat the seeds and the oil.

Thymus capitatus

thymus capitatusEnglish: thyme | French: thym | German: Gartenthymian

Therapeutic properties

Powerful antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive, against colics, mites and aciduria. It tranquilizes from cough, bronchitis, pertussis. It increases mental clarity, tonifies nerves, relieves from toothache, helps us sleep (some thyme under the pillow)

How to use

Infusion: against colds, cough, headache, sorethroat (gargles). Ointment or extract: for healing woulds, against itching. Essence: toothache killer, it can be added into bath water (1-5 drops). Decoction: digestive, tonic, against colics (2 cups per day)  

Lepidium sativum

lepidium sativumEnglish: garden cress | French: gresson alénois | German: Gartenkresse

Therapeutic properties

Appetizing, diuretic, blood purifying, beneficial to the liver, antibiotic.

How to use

It can be eaten as a salad. Its juice mixed with honey is a curing ointment for face freckles.

Hedera helix

hedera helixEnglish: ivy | French: lierre | German: Efeu

Therapeutic properties

Against whooping cough, thrombosis, rhinitis, scurf, scabies, psoriasis and other skin diseases.  

How to use

The tincture can be used against rhinitis and whooping cough (10-20 drops per day) the leaves in poultices and the ointment are beneficial for joint pains and skin diseases.

Coriandrum sativum

coriandrum sativumEnglish: coriander | French: coriander cultivée | German: Koriander

Therapeutic properties

Digestive, antispasmodic, carminative, intestine regulating, against headaches.

How to use

We can take seed decoction and infusion as a digestive and carminative. Attention! big quantities of coriander juice might cause drunkenness!

Galium aparine

galium aparine

English: grosgrass | French: goillet gratteron | German: Klebkraut

Therapeutic properties

Vulnerary, hypotensive, antispasmodic, inflammatory, anti rheumatism, blood purifier, lithotriptic, against bladder diseases and incontinence.

How to use

We can boil the fresh leaves and plant sprouts and eat them as a salad. Also, wine and tincture  can be produced from grosgrass ( the tincture helps with rheumatism).

Colchicum autumnale

colchicum autumnaleEnglish: meadow saffron | French: colchique d' automne | German: Herbstzeitlose

Therapeutic properties

Despite the fact that the plant is dangerous because of its toxicity, meadow saffron is precious when used suitably. It's considered a classical medicine against acute gouty arthritis, an effective analgesic (in small dosage it is used against toothache too). Meadow saffron shouldn't be used in cases of renal insufficiency.

How to use

We can use the tincture from seeds (1-5 gr within 24 hours) and the extract but always according to  a doctor's advice.

Arbutus unedo

arbutus unedoEnglish: strawberry tree | French: arbousier | German: Erdbeerbaum

Therapeutic properties

Strawberry tree leaves have antiseptic, diuretic, inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Ripened fruit help a lot with constipation.

How to use

The decoction from leaves is very effective for the cure of flu especially if it is mixed with honey and cinnamon. We can also use it for massage to lower fever.  

Crocus sativus

crocus sativusEnglish: saffron | French: safran cultivé | German: echter Safran

Therapeutic properties

Emmenagogue, sedative, antispasmodic, tonic, digestive, diuretic.

How to use

We can use the sirup (very effective when massaged on gums, it relieves teething pains) and the infusion. Caution! In big dosage (a few grams!) it might be toxic and cause bleeding.

Lavandula officinalis

lavandula officinalisEnglish: lavender | French: lavande officinale | German: Lavendel

Therapeutic properties

One of the most effective “medicines” for burns and insect bites. An excellent anti microbe, it exterminates streptococcus and pneumococcus. It's tonic, antispasmodic, stimulant, calming, light sedative, vulnerary, against cough, asthma, flu, laryngitis and headaches.  

How to use

We use the infusion, the tincture from fresh flowers for massaging aching parts of the body or skin. We can use dried flowers to repel insects from drawers and wardrobes. Massage with the plant extract relieves from headache, cures bruises and swellings.

Lippia trifylla

lippia trifyllaEnglish: Aloysia citrodora | French: verveine odorante | German: Zitronenstrauch

Therapeutic properties

Digestive, against nausea, sedative, nervine.

How to use

We drink infusion from aloysia with honey or sugar. We can also season our food with dried flowers or leaves.

Petroselinum crispum

petroselinum crispumEnglish: parsley | French: persil | German: Petersilie

Therapeutic properties

Diuretic, liver detoxifier,  antispasmodic, stimulant, tonic, appetizing, expectorant. It's against eczema, other skin diseases, edema, indigestion. It's got a beneficial action to blood circulation and  rheumatism cure.   

How to use

We can drink a wine glass of parsley decoction every morning before eating but not for over 3 consecutive days. For more intensive use it's better to drink the  infusion. We can also use the juice from parsley or the decoction from the seeds or poultices with boiled leaves for the cure of skin diseases, insect bites.

Origanum marjorana

origanum marjoranaEnglish: marjoram | French: marjolaine | German: Majoran

Therapeutic properties

Digestive, sedative, stomachache relieving, expectorant, anti diabetes, vulnerary, helps with colds, asthma, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

How to use

We can drink the decoction  (2-3 cups a day), the infusion, the tincture  (3-4 drops in a teaspoonful of honey, 2-3 times a day). We can inhale hot decoction steam to help us with cough. Dressings wet with decoction as well as massage with the essence are an excellent vulnerary. The seeds can be used in cooking.

Foeniculum vulgare

foeniculum vulgareEnglish: fennel | French: fenouil | German: Fenchel

Therapeutic properties

Tonic, apetizing, digestive, diuretic, analgesic, expectorant, sedative, helps digest fat so it helps in losing weight.

How to use

We use the leaves infusion as a good digestive, the seed decoction boiled with red wine (2 teaspoonfuls of seeds in ½ litre of wine) is an excellent tonic and appetizing. Chewing seeds prevents the flu. Massage with fennel oil helps reduce edemas.

Melissa officinalis

melissa officinalisEnglish: balm | French: mélissa officinale | German: Melisse

Therapeutic properties

Digestive, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, stimulant, tonic, antacid, against indigestion, toothache, it brings longevity.

How to use

We can use poultices against joint pains, massage with juice against headaches, the tea in bath water calms down nerves. We can drink hot infusion or decoction with lemon against colds (2-3 cups a day). The essence is used as a digestive, antispasmodic and sedative ( a few drops in some water). The herb is also used for making the drink “Eau de melisse des Carnes” ( flower sprouts of balm with lemon skin, cinnamon, gloves, nutmeg and coriander soaked in strong white wine).

Malva silvestris

malva silvestrisEnglish: common mallow | French: mauve sylvestre | German: wilde Malve

Therapeutic properties

Demulcent, expectorant, laxative, it heals insect bites and itching.

How to use

We use the decoction from leaves in poultices or dressings for the cure of skin eruptions, calluses. Gargles with infusion helps with throat irritations and mouth ulcers. When we drink it it's a good expectorant, it helps cure urinary and stomach diseases( 2-3 glasses per day). We can also drink decoction from the herb roots or flowers (several cups a day).

Atropa belladona

atropa belladonaEnglish: deadly nightshade | French: belladone | German: Tollkirsche

Therapeutic properties

Antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic, against incontinence, constipation, colics, nausea, dizziness, whooping cough.

How to use

It is used in various forms such as extract, tincture, powder, pills, suppositories but only on a doctor's prescription as, apart from being an effective medicine, it's also extremely poisonous.

Vaccinium myrtillus

vaccinium myrtillusEnglish: bilberry | French: myrtille | German: Heidelbeere

Therapeutic properties

Astringent, disinfectant, anticatarrhal, against diarrhea, common cold, throat infections.  

How to use

We can drink the decoction for colds and throat infections. The fruit (10-25 dried or fresh fruit or jam or juice or sirup or compote) are very effective against diarrhea, they are an excellent astringent and disinfectant for the intestine.

Origanum Vulgare

origanum vulgareEnglish: oregano | French: origan | German: Oregano

Therapeutic properties

Tonic, apetizing, digestive, antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic, astringent.

How to use

The decoction is a very effective antiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic. The infusion is a good expectorant. We can use oregano oil for massaging aching parts of the body and for healing wounds. Chewing oregano can relieve from toothache.

Orchis mascula

orchis masculaEnglish: early purple orchid | French: orchis male | German: Knabenkraut

Therapeutic properties

Demulcent and antidiarrheal.

How to use

We drink tea, we eat jelly, they both are very nutritional and beneficial to convalescent people. The decoction is an excellent demulcent, very effective against diarrhea and throat irritation.

Salvia officinalis

salvia officinalisEnglish: sage | French: sauge officinale | German: Salbei

Therapeutic properties

Astringent, sedative, tonic, antidiarrheal, digestive, it helps blood circulation and moderates nervous irritations.

How to use

We drink tea (“greek tea”), infusion to cure nervousness, vertigo, depression. Infusion gargles help cure throat infections, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers. When used in steam baths it's refreshing and it tranquilizes skin irritations. As it causes warming up, it should be avoided by people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Tilia platyphyllos

tilia platyphyllosEnglish: linden | French: tilleul | German: Linde

Therapeutic properties

Antitussive, antispasmodic, sedative, slightly hypnotic, against constipation, indigestion, migraine.

How to use

We drink the decoction or infusion from leaves and flowers or plant bark (2-3 cups per day). The decoction is also used externally as a hair tonifier, anti wrinkle and freckle. A bath with decoction helps us calm down.

Mentha aquatica

mentha aquaticaEnglish: water mint | French: menthe aquatique | German:  Bachminze

Therapeutic properties

Carminative, anti diarrheal, expectorant, anti rheumatism, anti vomit. Against vertigo and migraines.

How to use

We drink decoction (2-3 cups a day), we massage with essence to cure migraines and vertigo. The leaves extract is a good anti diarrheal. The juice mixed with vinegar is a good anti vomit.

Chamomilla recutita

chamomilla recutitaEnglish: camomile | French: camomille | German: Kamille

Therapeutic properties

Worldwide known for its sedative and antiseptic properties. It's very effective for migraines, anti rheumatism, stimulates blood flow, helps cure colds and allergies.

How to use

We can drink the decoction (2-3 cups a day) or spread it on our skin to cure itching and irritation. We can gargle it as an effective mouth antiseptic. The infusion added in bath water helps us relax. Also the essence is an effective sedative and tranquilizer.