Despina Vasiliadou's blog

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Πού......."σπείραμε σπόρους"

Στα δύο χρόνια του πρότζεκτ "Σπόροι για το μέλλον", οι εταίροι και οι εκπαιδευόμενοι από τις επτά ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που συμμετείχαμε, εργαστήκαμε από κοινού, οργανώσαμε και πήραμε μέρος σε σεμινάρια κι εργαστήρια, εμπνευστήκαμε ο ένας απ' τον άλλον, μοιραστήκαμε τις γνώσεις κι εμπειρίες μας, ερευνήσαμε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες μεθόδους βιώσιμης και φιλικής προς το περιβάλλον καλλιέργειας λαχανικών (βλ.

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Where we ......have "sowed some seeds"

During the two years of "Seeds for the future" project, partners and learners from seven Europen countries worked together, organised and participated in seminars and workshops, got inspiration from each other, shared knoweledge and experiences, carried out a lot of research trying to learn as much as possible about sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of vegetable growing (see:

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A digital plant

A digital device called "arduino" was adapted so as to  be used in our garden and let us know when our plants are.....thirsty! The experiment was performed by our project participants with the help of Dimitris Riggas, teacher of Informatics at our school. The device consists of the "arduino" plate and light-temperature sensors.

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Gardening by the moon??!!

"Tonight it'll be full moon, I'll plant my potatoes"....    "Wait for the second half of the moon before you sow the beans"...... Those are phrases we very often hear old villagers say! Are they just prejudice or is there some scientific explanation?  Our project group wanted to search the matter and here is what we found:

In the very old days, before the clock was invented, the most reliable way to measure time was the position of the sun, the moon and the stars. It is also known that people used a sowing calendar based on the moon phases.

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The obvious people's right to keep and exchange their own seeds is threatened by multinational companies and the restrictive legislation. Multinational seed producing companies and agro- industries, covered behind the mask of humanism, are striving to prevail in seed trade. In Brussels, where decisions are taken regarding Common Agriculture Policy in the EU, a lot of industry/biotechnology lobbies crowd, putting strong pressure in order to influence law making for their own benefit.

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Seed exchange-seed sowing workshop at the Second Chance School of Corfu.

As our project group had been really interested in finding out how to preserve and multiply seeds from traditional local vegetable varieties, they organised a seed exchange - sowing workshop. They addressed all students of the school and asked them to find and bring traditional seeds of local vegetables. The project group brought little pots and soil for the sowing. We also invited 2 experts, Mr Saoulos and Mr. Kosmas, organic cultivators / members of the environmental association of Corfu.

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A relatively new approach to vegetable cultivation, hydroponics is gaining more and more ground as it promises a high income to professional growers. But also, DIY hydroponic systems can fit almost in any house and can provide people with enough vegetables to meet their daily needs.
In the presentation our students have prepared, the reader can form an idea about hydroponics. For more details, take a look at the source links we have used....

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Επιλογές για επαγγελματίες κηπουρούς

Στα πλαίσια της έρευνας που κάνει η ομάδα του project “σπόροι για το μέλλον” σχετικά με τις δυνατότητες επαγγελματικής απασχόλησης με τα κηπευτικά, καλέσαμε στο σχολείο για να μας μιλήσουν σχετικά τους παρακάτω ειδικούς: τον πρόεδρο του Συνεταιρισμού Κηπευτικών Νοτίου Κέρκυρας Κο Βλάσση, τον πρόεδρο του Συνεταιρισμού Ελαιοπαραγωγών Μέσης Κέρκυρας Κο Δελή, και το διευθύνοντα σύμβουλο Κο Αηδονίδη, το γεωπόνο Κο Σαμοΐλη, και το μελισσοκόμο, μέλος Συνεταιρισμού Μελισσοκόμων,

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Professional vegetable growers: options

As our project group are really interested in examining possibilities for professional vegetable growing, we decided to invite to our school some experts on the field to talk to us about various options. We also thought that in addition to our students, other people would be interested as well, so we sent a press release and organised for this meeting to be open to the public.

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Fruit and vegetable processing

Sometimes we get a rich harvest from our garden and we find ourselves with a fruit or vegetable surplus that we won't consume and on the other hand we wouldn't like it to be wasted. So, what  we could do with those extra vegetables and fruit is: a) supply our friends and neighbours and b) process them.

Our students are very interested in learning processing methods so we decided to organise workshops at school. We'll see how we can make jam from fruit, freeze or preserve vegetables which we'll consume out of season e.t.c We started with the jam workshop which we videotaped:


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